Wrap the Total KMs formula in: IF FIRST ()=0 THEN [Total KMs] END. I get error: “Cannot blend the secondary data source because one or more fields use an unsupported aggregation. Fleet for the other year. We use three kinds of cookies on our websites: required, functional, and advertising. I have 2 duplicate data sources that I am blending together (they are duplicate because I want to filter the same data source 2 different ways but show it in. Wrap the Total KMs formula in: IF FIRST ()=0 THEN [Total KMs] END. Someone in the Community told me the following: "MAX isn't supported in. First, let’s start with a simple example of a Structured Streaming query - a streaming word count. ERROR 2230: Arguments of row IN must all be row expressions. You cannot convert a string value of a float or decimal or non-base 10 number (e. In the actual data I get the error: Cannot blend the secondary data source because one or more fields use an unsupported aggregation. The aggregation rule is determined automatically at run time. Drilldown query with no available dimensionThe drive may be using a unsupported format. Example(cannot blend the secondary data source because one or more fields use an unsupported aggregation) If i select without distinct, it's ok (but not what I want. See Join Your Data for more information. Hi All, I have blended primary and secondary data sources. In other words, they include data more recent than your last materialized bucket. Golang mongodb Aggregation too many values in. The unsupported aggregation happens when your aggregate requires row-level visibility to the secondary data source. After blending, CountD works fine on primary datasource, but when I try to use CountD on secondary datasource tableau gives error: "Cannot blend secondary data source as one or more fields use an unsupported aggregation"Hi, Where Tableau v9 introduced level of detail expressions and Tableau v10 introduced cross-data source joins there are a number of use cases where we previously needed data blending that we now don’t, so the first thing I always look at is whether we really need a blend to get the desired results Also there are various cases where the non. e. I read that this is not possible. really need to see your twbx file to be of further help. Data blending has some limitations regarding non-additive aggregates such as COUNTD, MEDIAN, and RAWSQLAGG. It is not allowed to use an aggregate function in the argument of another aggregate function. You can choose whether functional and advertising cookies apply. We use three kinds of cookies on our websites: required, functional, and advertising. (See Section 3. The expression <expr> does not support more than one source. import pyspark. Hi everyone, my first attempt to blend 2 data sets was not successful (Sheet called 1st attempt - attached), because its appears the following message "Cannot blend the secondary data source because one or more fields use an unsupported aggregation". Cannot blend the secondary data source because one or more fields use an unsupported aggregation. If there is a GROUP BY clause specified. General Information. Cannot blend the secondary data source because one or more fields use an unsupported aggregation Did some research on this and found plenty of "workarounds" with no. AVG is a quasi-additive aggregation and may not be supported when blending. The solution is not nice, but i. The number is a factor by which the grade value will be multiplied before it is added to the sum of all grades, but the item itself will not be. From the Data pane, drag a dimension field to Label on the Marks card. Data blending has some limitations regarding non-additive aggregates such as COUNTD, MEDIAN, and RAWSQLAGG. Greetings, FranThe measure is using one of the Defined in expression aggregation types, and the expression for the measure contains what looks like a hard-coded aggregate function. Rather than return incorrect results, Tableau turns the pill red, greys out the view, and generates the unsupported aggregation message. Create a calculated field, with some business logic, to choose which to show in the case of multiple. filters on the worksheet, so we cannot drop filters out from the worksheet. Choose the type of visualization you want to create, then use the editor to configure the options. Cannot blend the secondary data source because one or more fields use. NoDays >> * <<root. For more information, see Troubleshoot. clients. Unlike the other multi-bucket aggregations, you can use the composite aggregation to paginate all buckets from a multi-level aggregation efficiently. You can choose whether functional and advertising cookies apply. 2. ×Sorry to interrupt. Thus I have this calc below . The concept of data blending is, for every match in the primary table there should be exactly one row item in your secondary table, in the view of this concept any aggregation on the secondary table will always be distinct by default. Creating the flags in your query is best done with CTEs using a separate section for each of your module flags so you don’t. Hello Jim, Thank You for your reply. Ask Question Asked 3. This is because any calculation will happen before aggregation in case of a formula or a calculated key figure and it will therefore not be pushed down. I am trying to put my LOD calculation (below) on the rows shelf but encountering "cannot blend the secondary data source because one or more fields use an unsupported aggregation" {include [DATE MONTH],[STATE]: sum([Quantity Customers Served])}We use three kinds of cookies on our websites: required, functional, and advertising. ELSE D1. 38. id=(select max(id) from tahun) ShareTo use concat with spark window function you need to use user defined aggregate function (UDAF). Cannot blend the secondary data source because one or more fields use an unsupported aggregation . I'm trying to get the total of the secondary data source field irrespective of the filters using something like this - SUM({FIXED :(SUM([Secondary Source]. I have two data sources to be used but need the count distinct of users from both the data sources. Documentation on relationship: Relate Your Data - Tableau. CSS Error In both instances, once I take customer country from my secondary source, I get this error: Cannot blend secondary data source as one or more fields use an unsupported aggregation . NET dialect) to turn each line into 31 documents. I was now trying to use both calculations you did on a different sheet through data blending. category = c. When double-clicked, it is automatically added to Detail on the Marks card and a map view is created. A value greater than 0 treats a grade item's grades as extra credit during aggregation. ×Sorry to interrupt. Aggregate Functions #. I figured out why the exception aggregation is not pushed down to HANA. The concept of data blending is, for every match in the primary table there should be exactly one row item in your secondary table, in the view of this concept any aggregation on the secondary table will always be distinct by default. Ditto: { FIXED [Patient ID] : COUNTD([Patient ID]) } Yet there it is in your workbook, very happy and functional. Fundamentalmente son espacios privados,. IN/EXISTS predicate subqueries can only be used in filters, joins, aggregations, window functions, projections, and UPDATE/MERGE/DELETE commands <treeNode>. Cannot blend the secondary data source because one or more fields use an unsupported aggregation. This aggregation provides a way to stream all buckets of a specific aggregation, similar to what scroll does for documents. Norbert, I'm baffled. really need to see your twbx file to be of further help. ×Sorry to interrupt. For more information on blends, check this out: Blend Your Data - Tableau . The workaround for this is that if you have to use one of the non-additive aggregates, use DB1 blending, i. node. Create an aggregation-based visualization panel edit. person = a. If you're getting * for the dimensions, then you'd need to increase the granularity of the view with additional dimension(s) on the Level of Detail Shelf and then use table calculations to re-aggregate at the appropriate level of granularity. Ritesh Bisht (Member) 6 years ago. When I am joining the two data sources I wanted to use "F Name" column with "Name" column. I took your LOF and did this { FIXED [PO Number]:sum([FIXED at the line level])} to total your values at the po levelCannot blend the secondary data source because one or more fields use an unsupported aggregation. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. There are some data blending limitations around non-additive aggregates, such as COUNTD, MEDIAN, and RAWSQLAGG. You use the aggregation type to control how a key figure or. The result now should be correct BUT it'll return the result multiple times, once for each date. Which almost works, but if I then try to use the resulting calculated field as the “angle” variable for a pie chart, I get the following error: Cannot blend the secondary data source because one or more fields use an unsupported aggregationnumber of records (datasource1)/total headcounts (datasource2) and i get the red pill telling me "cannot blend the secondary datasource because one or more fields use an unsupported aggregation". If this posts assists in resolving the question, please mark it helpful or as the 'correct answer' if it resolves the. To define a new aggregate function, one selects a data type for the state value, an. How should I got about with this? Thank you. 1 Unable to use aggregate function in. java. non-currency measure. Query Expressions. From the Input Recordsets pane on the left, expand the relevant Results from. The version I am working with 10. Parameters: funcfunction, str, list, dict or None. ERROR 2374: Cannot compare row expressions of zero length. Make sure that you are blending on dimensions present in the view or on all of the. ×Sorry to interrupt. If possible try to join your data source another way is then use some table calculations like "IF FIRST()==0 THEN SIZE() END"I have linked 2 sources using 3 dimensions. You can use the variable REMOVE in aggregation expressions to conditionally suppress a field. Wherever possible, the value of calculated is used, then sum where necessary, followed by unsupported. The primary one is called Dim_Service_Status. But is there any other way around? Please help me in this regard, thanks, KalyanLocal Cumulative Computation makes the Process more Efficient. Use aggregation instead. If a function, must either work when passed a DataFrame or when passed to DataFrame. We have a calculated filed where an aggregation (COUNTD) is done on a filed of secondary data source. Blending data - Unsupported aggregation MIN MAX. When you try to do that, Tableau generates the "Cannot blend the secondary data source. The aggregate arguments cannot contain references to tables other than the PIVOT input table. So the only way, it was possible was to connect one of the data sources with a calendar table joined with previous year and then blend it against the same data to get the Current Year and Same Period Last Year values in a single view. elastic. I've tried that in the past, and I was always blocked by the unsupported aggregation message. In the Data pane, double-click a spatial field. r. Even if I don't join the 2 data sources and just blend them by "Region" and "Store Name", I still get "Cannot blend the secondary data source because one or more fields use an unsupported aggregation" on dragging Total Utilized Money field into the view. If Monday is 1, Tues 2, Weds 3, Thurs = 4, Fri = 5 then the data will show as 15 for each day & point on the line. Step 3: Create assignment or drag & drop key figure in target. If there is another aggregation type such as AGG_AVG being used, change it to one of the supported aggregation listed. MULTI_SOURCES_UNSUPPORTED_FOR_EXPRESSION. An expression has a finer level of detail than the view when it references a superset of the dimensions in the view. I know that count distinct can not be used in the data blending. Upvote Upvoted Remove Upvote Reply. Rather than return incorrect results, Tableau turns the pill red, greys out the view, and generates the unsupported aggregation message. You could also use Tableau Prep to pre-aggregate each set of data so they have the same level of detail, then join them together. Share. IF ISNULL(D1) THEN D2. Thus I have this calc below . Tommy Sims (Member) Set the table calculation to COMPUTE USING using the KM Date field. If this posts assists in resolving the question, please mark it helpful or as the 'correct answer' if it resolves the. A faceted classification uses semantic categories (either general or subject-specific) that are combined to create the full classification entry. Data blending has some limitations regarding non-additive aggregates such as COUNTD, MEDIAN, and. I receive this error: "Cannot blend the data source because one or more fields uses an unsupported aggregation". The issue is the data for the week numbers and RORs is not breaking down to the individual days/weeks/lines. Hopefully. Click on the different cookie categories to find out more about each category and to change the default settings. On the field well menu, choose Aggregate, then choose the aggregate function that you want to apply. Cannot blend the secondary data source because one or more fields use an unsupported aggregation can some one has faced this type of issue before or any idea please share. Hadoop provides two fs interfaces - FileSystem and AbstractFileSystem. Like most other relational database products, PostgreSQL supports aggregate functions. htm#cannot-blend-the-secondary-data-source-because-one-or-more-fields-use-an-unsupported-aggregation. CSS ErrorLoading. 0. The primary data source is just to filter for the invoices I want to look at. Cannot blend the secondary data source because one or more fields use an unsupported aggregation. CSS Error Loading. Ditto: { FIXED [Patient ID] : COUNTD([Patient ID]) } Yet there it is in your workbook, very happy and functional. Time-interval with identical time points. This ordering is unspecified by default, but can be controlled by writing an ORDER BY clause within the aggregate call, as shown in Section 4. With LAC-A functions, you can specify at what level to group the computation. ×Sorry to interrupt. Unsupported Aggregation means that the action requested at one of the sources or the act of bringing them together can not be done - in your case you have used a table calculation to determine a performance score - Table calculations are performed on the underlying table for a specific worksheet and can not be carried or transferred from one. That's why you can't do COUNTD on a secondary blended data source. data from the second source comes over as an aggregate - look into what the aggregation is on and how does that relate to what you have in the primary data base . filter. Table 2 (Secondary): Location | Item Sold | Price | Date. We use three kinds of cookies on our websites: required, functional, and advertising. ERROR 2238: At least two arguments are required. CSS ErrorI'd like to always use D1 except when it is NULL and then I'd like to use D2. "-5. We don't get row-level data from secondary. Give the new LAG a name. Upvote Upvoted Remove Upvote Reply. You'll always want to return the same type, so that in itself could be an issue. Hi Judy, Could you try 'swapping' the datasources, so the one with the [Customer_Code] would become your Primary? You could do it just for one view,Both Primary and Secondary data sources have duplicate rows due to multiple joins in data prep. CSS ErrorHi Ben, This comes from my own explorations and got confirmed by the Tableau dev who built the latest version of data blending (called DB2). Jim. this is the sample of getUser function public async getUser(aggregate: o. If you add new historical data to an already-materialized bucket, it won't be reflected in a real-time aggregate. I put a twb file. apply. I need my calc to run on the row level irrespective of the view. If. In aggregation, following a stage that outputs a field with the text score value, you can specify a query condition or operate on the field in subsequent stages. For example I might need to add a dimension to the view to get my non-additive aggregate or LOD to work and then I get a lot of extra marks, then I could use something like IF FIRST()=0 THEN SUM() END to get back to a single mark for each partition. Unsupported aggregations in data blending Hello, I have a distributor dataset with product ships and returns (one report covering six months), and a retailer dataset with product retail sales and stock (covering the same six months but composed of a number of weekly reports). This optimization can be applied to functions for which the following property holds f(S1 UNION ALL S2) = f(f(S1) UNION ALL f(S2)). Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. Loading. Fleet for one year. Use range () to assign _start and _stop values. Loading. Individual find and aggregate commands may override the allowDiskUseByDefault parameter by either: Using { allowDiskUse: true } to allow writing temporary files out to disk when allowDiskUseByDefault is set to false. For example, you would not be able to use a measure with the expression <<root. 2022, 15: 41: 37; This is generated by the following Code Snippet:Add GROUP BY or turn it into the window functions using OVER clauses. The chart should display: countd. Tommy Sims (Member) 7 years ago. – Ripul. I did that in your example too. A Level of Detail (LOD) expression is being taken from the secondary data source. Cannot blend the secondary data source because one or more fields use an unsupported aggregationFollow this link for more information:the columns or the expression to the GROUP BY, aggregate the expression, or use <expressionAnyValue> if you do not care which of the values within a group is returned. The PIVOT aggregate expression has to be a call of a supported aggregate function. Non-additive aggregates are aggregate functions that produce results that cannot be aggregated along a dimension. UNSUPPORTED_TABLE_ARGUMENTWindowed Aggregations. Loading. ×Sorry to interrupt. Unsupported aggregation stages. Select the data source you want to visualize. I'll play around with it, see if I can make it work that way. Name, Company. Non-additive aggregates are aggregate functions that produce results that cannot be aggregated along a dimension. These dimensions were also used as filters in the particular sheet. If you need to use an unsupported operation in an aggregation, you must define the entire expression using the BSON Document type. Go to a new worksheet. aggregate(func=None, *args, engine=None, engine_kwargs=None, **kwargs) [source] #. This is indicated by the following icon: The view you are trying to build will function if you use the date from the primary data source (Shipped): Let us know if this is clear, or if more explanation is required! Cheers, TimothyLevel-aware calculation - aggregate (LAC-A) functions. I've attached my workbook that contains 2 data sources that are blended by invoice number. Cannot blend the secondary data source because one or more fields use. The rough equivalent would be using collect_set and array_join but note you have lost the order: %sql SELECT col1, array_join(collect_set(col2), ',') j FROM tmp GROUP BY col1 I do not think STRING_AGG guarantees order (unless you specify the WITHIN GROUP. In my workbook I will be using two statistical geographies, LSOA and MSOAs. When you run certain metric aggregations on an aggregate_metric_double field, the aggregation uses the related sub-field’s values. This should explain why when you are using the SUM aggregation it works. That is, an aggregate operates using a state value that is updated as each successive input row is processed. but no collectToAggregationThe SQL Language. CompanyID =. In the Data pane, double-click a spatial field. The measure is using one of the Defined in expression aggregation types, and the expression for the measure contains what looks like a hard-coded aggregate function. (Ditto the FIXED countD. api. using select. Jim. IN/EXISTS predicate subqueries can only be used in filters, joins, aggregations, window functions, projections, and UPDATE/MERGE/DELETE commands <treeNode>. Hello Everyone, I am unable to sum an aggregate function. For example, blend in the count of countries from. Got same expected results in both py2 and. ) I need to revisit my understanding of the limitations here! Cannot blend the secondary data source because one or more fields use an unsupported aggregation. Refresh. But a filter or range gives org. In the LACP section, click the +NEW symbol to create a new LAG. There are two types of calculated fields: on a data set level and on on analysis level. A secondary data source can be used to re-alias the field values in a primary data source. We use three kinds of cookies on our websites: required, functional, and advertising. There are two ways of dealing in a data module with unsupported data types. 2. The second method, which is new to 11. In this guide, we are going to walk you through the programming model and the APIs. Please use the. Data blending limitations. if [created at] = { fixed [branch id]: max ( [created at])} Then [branch id] end. I am trying to . Python is confused between its built-in sum function and the pyspark aggregation sum function you want to use. Send us feedback | Privacy. Table 9. Please use the. I have two datasets; one is a shape file that contains regions and locations. That's probably your problem. Use a Join instead of Blending: If blending is not necessary for your analysis, you can try joining the data sources instead. Click ounsupported_in_exists_subquery IN/EXISTS predicate subqueries can only be used in filters, joins, aggregations, window functions, projections, and UPDATE/MERGE/DELETE commands`<treeNode>`. Loading. Unknown, media type is unknown media type output flow-control is unsupported, input flow-control is unsupported ARP type: ARPA, ARP Timeout 04:00:00 Last input never, output never,. Non-aggregate measures — such as type: yesno and type: number — are the only measures that can reference other measures or aggregations. the second tab “by Industry”, if you try to filter by SBU or BU, “Held” or “Scheduled”3) Use aggregate measures instead of filters, for example by using ATTR(Dimension). The Junos OS removes the configuration statements related to aex and sets this interface to down state. Hello I am having a problem with the relationship between two data sources. See more details I am doing on my workbook, ## KPI Calculation#Calculated Field03 - KPI_ExistenceCheck-E3D-COMOS-1SUM( [ExistenceCheck-E3D-COMOS-OK-1])/ COUNT ( [Number of Records])Error: Argument. General Information. B. I have 2 filters (BU ISNull and CORPID) applied from secondary data source. teacher) teacher_id,. To learn more about the Document type, see Documents. When LSOAs are aggregated up to MSOAs i need the percentage to be calculated from the LSOA dataCount Distinct in Secondary Data Source - "cannot blend secondary data source because one or more fields use an unsupported aggregation" Hi! I'm trying to blend 2 data sources. By using the formula DAY([Endtimestamp]), you're changing the dimensionality a little bit. ElasticsearchException: [es/search] failed: [x_content_parse_exception] [1:44] [composite] unknown field [name] Here is my. Bucket aggregations that group documents into buckets, also called bins, based on field values, ranges, or other criteria. If this posts assists in resolving the question, please mark it helpful or as the 'correct answer' if it resolves the. The composite buckets are built from the combinations of the values. And now if I bring that Fixed calculation ( called as "Duration" in my worksheet. I've tried that in the past, and I was always blocked by the unsupported aggregation message. CallTime Avg (internal)>> because CallTime Avg (internal) is interpreted as being. Ask Question Asked 2 years, 7 months ago. You can choose whether functional and advertising cookies apply. Is the restriction on LOD expressions true even if. ERROR 2346: Cannot alter a sequence with START. Blending provides a quick and simple way to bring information from multiple data sources into a view. sql. Click oUNSUPPORTED_IN_EXISTS_SUBQUERY. You can choose whether functional and advertising cookies apply. Unsupported aggregations in data blending Hello, I have a distributor dataset with product ships and returns (one report covering six months), and a retailer dataset with product retail sales and stock (covering the same six months but composed of. step 2 : network person on. To specify collation when you query documents in the MongoDB Atlas UI, see Specify Collation. Some of my table calculation are the follow: RED FIELD Tableau Name of First Math Course= IF [Tableau Period of First Math Course]== [Academic Period] AND ( [Subject Desc]=='Mathematics' OR [Subject Desc]=='Mathematics. Sub-path [interactions-c] points to non single-bucket aggregation" } } ] }, "status" : 500 } this is my index mapping:DataFrameGroupBy. ERROR 2381: Cannot create a sequence with RESTART. Got same expected results in both py2 and. Another view with the details. Note. The problem is when I try to calculate the median of that same measure. Yes, the near operator isn't very well supported by sigmac. Add the columns or the expression to the GROUP BY, aggregate the expression, or use <expressionAnyValue> if you do not care which of the values within a group is returned. The problem is when I try to calculate the median of that same measure. Just aggregates (like SUM, MIN, MAX. If you’ve tried to show a COUNTD from a secondary before, you’ve undoubtedly seen the message stating “Cannot blend the secondary data source because one or more fields use an unsupported aggregation”. ×Sorry to interrupt. Golang mongodb aggregation using mongo-driver. Collectives™ on Stack Overflow – Centralized & trusted content around the technologies you use the most. Output tables contain a single row with the aggregated value. Unsupported aggregate subquery with non-equality correlated predicates. Loading. an unsupported aggregation. but no collectToAggregationThe SQL Language. Expand Post. ) I need to revisit my understanding of the limitations here!Cannot blend the secondary data source because one or more fields use an unsupported aggregation. But considering using it with Materialized View, the doc says SimpleAggregateFunction(name, types_of_arguments…) data type stores the current value of the aggregate function, and does not store its full state as AggregateFunction dose, which means. Cut out the three explanatory lines at the top (can be done with regex) Run a regex replace on the file (I’ve used . I've tried that in the past, and I was always blocked by the unsupported aggregation message. Tableau Desktop 2018. Unsupported Aggregation, Quick Table Calc Sets, and Filters from Secondary Data blends?. CSS ErrorDeveloper Data Platform. ERROR 2239: At most one path number can be entered. 1 Connected to Tableau Server as Main DS and Live Connection to an excel file as secundary DS . Click on the different cookie categories to find out more about each category and to change the default settings. twbx. Option 2: Rewrite your SELECT without a Correlated Subquery. I have a another data set with SQL Server data source with 2 fields: Relationship and ID. CSS ErrorHi, In case of blending some of functions like countd , Min, Max will not work if the dimensions are in any of shelfs or in filters . ) I need to revisit my understanding of the limitations here! I get error: “Cannot blend the secondary data source because one or more fields use an unsupported aggregation. Use a Join instead of Blending: If blending is not necessary for your analysis, you can try joining the data sources instead. JimI have linked 2 sources using 3 dimensions. We use three kinds of cookies on our websites: required, functional, and advertising. ORDER BY clause) but you should expect the order not to match. You bucket your data by time and calculate the delta between time buckets using the lag window function:Introduction: Approaches to the synthesis of qualitative research have existed for more than 20 years and have evolved significantly during that time. This section describes the summary, or aggregation, functions that are available in IBM® Cognos® Analytics - Reporting. A value greater than 0 treats a grade item's grades as extra credit during aggregation. But, when I consider this data source as secondary and then try to use it in primary data source sheet, I get this error:- Cannot blend the secondary data source because one or more fields use an unsupported aggregation. In find, you cannot specify a query condition on the text score. Many Tableau developers find data blending frustrating. (Ditto the FIXED countD. Norbert, I'm baffled. it's not possible to. learning module contains a number of ways to aggregate model udpates with recommended default configuration: In this tutorial, we explain the underlying motivation, how they are implemented, and provide suggestions for how to customize their configuration. Jim. Hello Jim, Thank You for your reply. If I cant go the above way then is there a possibility to do the duration calculation using table calculations or some other way. Computing or filtering based on an aggregated value is not supported. step 2 : network person on. Aggregated values are computed by aggregating the elements of the expression rather than the result. Select Edit > New > DWORD Value . Unsupported Aggregation while implementing filters from secondary datasource. We don't get row-level data from secondary sources on a blend. So the only way, it was possible was to connect one of the data sources with a calendar table joined with previous year and then blend it against the same data to get the Current Year and Same Period Last Year. Cannot blend the secondary data source because one or more fields use an unsupported aggregation issue Hi All! I would like to ask for your help, I do have two data sources: BI Cube (primary source) & Excel file (secondary) We use three kinds of cookies on our websites: required, functional, and advertising. I'm trying to create a frequency distribution as a percent of total for individual products in a single category on one chart, then dual axis a second chart with the frequency distribution of the category for comparison purposes. When you try to do that, Tableau generates the "Cannot blend the secondary data source because one or more fields use an unsupported aggregation" error, turns the offending pill red, and grays out the view. Click on the different cookie categories to find out more about each category and. node. You can choose whether functional and advertising cookies apply. Hi All, I am an new user of tableau and have some issue with union join or blending ( I have being trying all of them without getting the end result I was looking for) Hereafter iThe text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:Hi all, I am new to Tableau and do not have very good knowledge of using it and calculations etc. We are blending two data sources. Outputs documents in order of nearest to farthest from a specified point. This could be due to a typo in the aggregation name or the use of an unsupported aggregation. Note you'll need the KM Date field on the Detail shelf. [% age]>=SUM([Percentage]) . It is now possible in Amazon QuickSight. You can specify collation for a collection or a view, an index, or specific operations that support collation. Ask Question Asked 3. countD requires row-level access to the data, not just aggregate access.